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COVID-19 Vaccines

Massachusetts Phase​​ 2, Group 2 likely includes many of our members (Individuals 16 and older with two or more of certain medical conditions (defined here). Certain medical conditions includes being a smoker (former or current), obesity, type 2 diabetes, asthma, etc). 
It can be difficult to find and secure a vaccine appointment. Please find tips and links to scheduling options below.​

Tips for Finding/Scheduling an Appointment

  • filter your search as little as possible. Broad searches have the best change of obtaining results.
  • decide ahead of time where you are willing to travel and have a list of zip codes/locations accessible.
  • have your insurance information, state issued ID and SSN handy. If you have the UMass student health insurance plan, you can find your insurance information here. If you have the Postdoc BCBS plan, you can find your your insurance information here.
  • if trying to schedule at a retail pharmacy or grocery store, register on their site beforehand.
  • "refresh" is your friend--appointments pop up unexpectedly and refreshing the web browser will help you see updated information.
  • have a cup of tea and settle in for a few hours--it definitely takes time and it can be frustrating.
  • if you are on your personal device, all fields to auto populate your personal info so that you can complete the fields faster and with less effort.
  • complete your insurance attestation form either online (and receive an email to show at your appointment) or by downloading the pdf (to print and bring to your appointment.
  • if you've secured your appointment or are not yet eligible, consider asking someone who is eligible if they need help scheduling.
  • beware of scam sites that don't start with https: or that ask you to upload various ID cards.
  • other tips available here and here.
  • if you have a tip or link to share, do so here.
  • if you want to share tips with colleagues, join our vaccine Slack channel here.
  • Consider joining a vaccine Facebook group for your state--these groups share real time tips for folks looking for appointments. An example: Vaccine Hunters Massachusetts is @

UMass Campus Vaccination Info & Scheduler

More appointments are schedule to be added on March 19th at 4 pm

MA Vaccine Hotline

If you do not have internet access, or are unable to schedule online, you can connect with the hotline by dialing 2-1-1 or (877) 211-6277 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., but not everyone may be able to immediately book an appointment at a location that is accessible to them. Hotline will assist in walking you through the website but doesn't have special access to additional appointment slots.


Make sure to create a user account on their site prior to searching.

*Please verify the accuracy and assess the security of the URLs above prior to providing personal information on these sites. We are not responsible for the content and security of these websites. 

Phone: 413.345.2156

Fax: 866.795.2684




UAW/UMass Health & Welfare Trust Fund

6 University Drive

Suit 206-229

Amherst, MA 01002

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For your security, please do not email personal information, such as your SSN. To provide your SSN, email us a request for a special encrypted link.

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