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Postdoc Employee Prepaid Wellness Options

Central Rock Gym Prepaid Option

As part of a pilot program, we have a very limited number of prepaid 4 month memberships at the Hadley, MA Central Rock Gym (CRG). The CRG memberships are only available on a first come-first served basis. 

The Healing ZONE Prepaid Option

As part of a pilot program, we have a very limited number of prepaid packages of (5) 30-minute therapeutic massages at The Healing ZONE in Hadley, MA. These prepaid memberships are only available on a first come-first served basis. 


Click this link to find out the changes related to COVID for pre-paid memberships

How to Request a Prepaid Membership

1) You must have a benefits application on file with us that has been confirmed as eligible to request a membership. Return to your dashboard and scroll down until you see


Click on the link, which will take you to:

Choose the membership you are interested in (Postdocs are able to request either a CRG membership or a Healing ZONE package once per plan year (9/1-8/31) and esign the waiver, which will look something like the one below. We'll the reach out to you with more details if we have a package for you.

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